Hello everybody,
Toady i came up with an great topic i.e. tips to manage your blog during the exams. Nowadays, everybody facing the problem of exams. Exams are really headaches. So.. what to do? Simply don't worry just follow my simple tips below:-

Almost every country of world, March is the month of examination. So, in the exams you have manage your blog visitors, blog post, Examination papers... Your schedule is become very busy. If you are totally concentrate on your studies so, you had loose your blog reader day-by-day.But, if you manage properly, then you could be manage your exams and blog easily as well.

How Does Irregular Blogging Affect your Blog?

Reason1--> You loose your foreign visitors.

Reason2--> You loose your daily visitors

Reason3--> you would loose your unique visitors per day.

Reason4--> If there is No fresh content means -> No SEO rankings it means -> Your blog will not push down search list.

How to manage time for your blog?

Wake up at 8 AM and doing your regular tasks with studies included till 10-10:15 PM in night. On 10:45 PM, switch on your PC and do blogging for at least 1 hours. Then go to sleep. you will be able to live your regular life also and blogging also! 
It's your time management Follow this during exams.Most of the pro  bloggers follow up this process so, they can spend their most of the time with friends and family.

It's time to boost up!
Many pro bloggers leave blogging only because of the fear of the results. So, they leave blogging Now.. This is the time to boost up! It also maintain your blog reputation.

Gain your guest posting
It's a very good idea in the absence of yours. During exams your blog posts wouldn't missed. In this time, You should gain your guest posting those who didn't having examination at that duration.

Schedule Your posts before your exams
Imagine If you are having three exams in a week. Then it is better to schedule at least 3-4 posts before exams and make them publish on that day. This is a very simple and good trick which everyone should follow and it will not disappoint you. I am also doing this tricks and it had not disappointing me!

How to set up schedule posts?
Click on "write new post" >> See Right hand side schedule >> Click " set date and time" >> click on on done!
Just see the screenshot below:-

If You enjoy this trick then forget to share among your friends!
**Hope you enjoy this trick** 


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